Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
December 9, 2024
Key Peninsula Civic Center Whitmore Room
Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm
Board Members present – Anna Hernandez-French, Jason Steinbrecher, Karen Gore, Dave Tyler, Barbara Dommert-Breckler, Garret Lebby
Board Members absent – Katelynn Graham, Frank Benson
Community Members – Tiphany Lopez-Steinbrecher, Ed Neilson, Tanya Michaels, Theresa Adams
November monthly meeting minutes accepted with slight edits.
2023 Annual Meeting minutes accepted with slight edits.
1st Vice President (Water System + 2nd Vice President, Maintenance)
- Water testing stations are done
- Couple of water boxes dug up – making sure they don’t freeze
- Tree stump removed
- Well House 2 generator is hooked up
- Facebook volunteers dug and put up three fence posts – two more to go
- Electrician coming this week
- Tractor getting new pins – under warranty
- 15 more yards of playground wood chips in
- PenLight coming out to check fire hydrant – only one in the neighborhood
- Some money left in pea patch budget – purchase roundup?
- Purchase latex paint for graffitied concrete wall
- Anything else budgeted for 2024 needs to get done by the end of the year
- Dues aren’t lining up properly in the new system – its taking longer for the information to show up, but no money is missing
- Three lots have prepaid more than two years in advance, and people have credits where they shouldn’t – if systems persist into the new year BDB will reach out to HOACS
Committee Reports:
- Meeting forthcoming (scheduled for 12/12)
- Several letters ready to go out
- Questions about some that were sent already:
- In PC&Rs it says trailers must be moved every six months, but nothing there or in bylaws about when they can be moved back
Response: They can be moved back the same day, just have to start them up and drive them a bit every six months.
- Lot 75 trailer is back, can’t tell if it’s licensed but it is not motorized
Response: Bylaws or PC&Rs clarify that trailers can’t be lived in for more than 30 days
- Lot 177 are renters and don’t own the trailer on their property
Response: if it’s on their property they are responsible for making sure it complies, whether they own it or not
- Another property has appliances and other junk outside
- Property on 138th Ave has people living in campers – Lots 188-190 – compliance committee investigated, and it appeared that no one lived there, but KG is pretty sure they do
- Need letters sent
- Shed on the corner too close to property line – Lot 84
- Moved that in cases like Lot 84’s the fine is $200/month – MMSP
- Clarification – letters can only address violations that are specifically identified in PC&Rs or bylaws
- Board needs to see letters before they go out
- Christmas lights judging on 12/22
New Business:
Adjourn meeting at 7:10 pm
Minutes submitted by Secretary Anna Hernandez-French