See the the list of WORK PROJECTS by clicking on the link from the menu.

As I am sure you all are aware, Ed has now resigned from the board and left Dave to do all that Dave does and whatever else that has to be done. The 2nd Vice Presidents position is vacant. Please look into your hearts and see if YOU have will and desire to serve your community but to also save yourself and the rest of us a lot of money!

Dave (our current VP) is are getting to the point where he will soon retire. However he has not stepped down as VP’s of our Board. But since he isn’t getting any younger, he will need help to keep out place in the good shape that it is. However, rather than hire out an expensive contractor, Dave will occasionally need your help to get the work done!

Your Board of Directors, which Dave and the new 2nd Vice President are part of, in all fairness, would like their duties to be evenly distributed among the rest of us. So…..the Board Members are asking all of you to step up and volunteer to do the work. This act will insure that our dues remain one of the lowest in Washington. Contact any Board Member by phone or email to volunteer.

I am sure you realize that our monthly dues currently includes Security, Maintenance of the Common Areas, Administration AND THE TOTAL COST OF YOUR WATER! This is the water you drink and the water distribution system that brings the water to you.

If Dave can not do some of the work for “free”, as he has for so many years, that we all have enjoyed, we must volunteer to pick up their work somehow. The work getting deferred or just let go, is not an option. We are not allowed to defer the work to a better time or for a richer budget year, per our By-Laws.

Because the By-Laws were written and designed to keep us as stewards of our community, focused on making our community the best it can be, we need you to join us – and volunteer to help. You will not be tasked with a full time job, but your efforts will be very much appreciated.

Thanks so much to those people who have already stepped up and helped Dave and Ed!

Common Area & Maintenance – helping with the common area landscaping, even just spend some time helping with the general maintenance of our facilities – please contact Dave Tyler at 253-884-9951.

Community – If you are able, volunteer to be part of the Community Projects, helping with projects like the installation of our new signage, taking care of our park spaces,

Water – If you want to become part of anything to do with our water (drinking and drainage) use, repair of the pipes, water meter, water projects – please contact Dave Tyler at 253-884-9951.

Perhaps you would like to work on a Special Event – Like assist with the Christmas lighting contest or the Fishing Derby. Feel free to contact Garrett Lebby at 520-370-2496.

If you would have an activity or an idea you think we would all like to participate in, just call a Board Member.  If YOU just want to be part of our amazing place in this world, please contact: Karen Gore – President – [email protected] – 425-761-3632 She will gladly put you on the general list for volunteers. You will be called!!!!