Annual 2021 meeting minutes


2021 Annual Community Meeting Minutes

November 6, 2021

Call to Order: by Karen Gore at 12:08pm

Karen Gore- PresidentDave Tyler- 1st Vice PresidentEd Nielsen- 2nd Vice PresidentBarbara DommertBreckler- SecretaryGarrett Lebby
Christine AndersonTanya Michaels   
Jaimie EhrlerAnna Hernandez- French   

Community Members Attended:  Dawn Richey, Mary Dommert-Breckler, Amanda Bash, Tia Smith, Debbie Hirschinger, Theresa Adams, Jeff Adams, Valjean Johnson, Chuck Weed, Carol Weed, Mary Nielson, Lanny James, Larry Smalley, Mary Tyler, Ryan Orseth, Karen Benson, Frank Benson and three member who names signatures we could not interpret

Review of prior 2020 annual meeting minutes:  Meeting minutes from November 2020.

It was moved by DT and seconded by KG to approve the 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes as written.  Approved by all present. MMSP



1st VP: 

Completion on water system 2020

  1. Replaced the roof with metal roofing and painted pump house #4 structure.
  2. Painted well #4 doghouse.
  3. Purchased water supplies for broken blow offs.
  4. Purchased new parts for back flow.
  5. Dug up water box and reinstalled that could not be tested.
  6. Cut down tree, bushes and Blackberries that were too close to water boxes.
  7. Cleaned out the Dirt in water boxes fill from moles
  8. Fix a few water leaks.
  9. Located Main shut of valves on 137th St. and 140th Ave.
  10. Cleaned over 200 backflows.
  11. Fill over 200 bag of wood chip for insulation for water boxes. Done by Ed Nielson

Volunteers that helped with the Water

Ed Nielson

Steve Shobe

Bob Walls

Bert Braley

Greg Anderson

2nd VP: 

Completion in the community 2020

  1.  10 yards of wood chips spread in Pete Rix Park
  2. Maintenance on the pea patch and other parks.
  3. Several new signs were installed.
  4. Several trees and branches were taken down due to safety issues.
  5. Shed, tractor and trailer maintenance completed.

Secretary:  We received 37 ballots.  All voted yes to ratify the 2022 budget.  The following individuals were voted onto the Board:  Barbara Dommert-Breckler, Tanya Michaels, Bill Sidwell, Lanny James, Jeremy Scott and Ashley Golding.  Steve Shobe and Ryan Orseth was voted onto the Architecture committee. 


Treasurer Achievement for 2020

We wish to thank Mary Day who was our Treasurer from January 1st to Mid-March 2020.  Mary worked very hard at ensuring all accounts were up today and bills were being paid.

We also wish to thank Dawn Richey who acts as the Community Accounting Advisor.  She spends hours each month working behind the scenes, with the Treasure and Budget Committee.

Thank you to the 2021 Budget Committee for working so hard and quickly in building the budget.  Members: Barbara Dommert-Breckler, Theresa Adams, Dawn Richey, Dave Tyler, Ed Nielsen, and Karen Gore

Achievements for 2020 from the Treasurer include:

  • The Audit was successfully completed for the 2019
  • Successfully closing the Columbia Bank checking account for $5000.00, moving this to Alliance Association Bank.  The money was put into a 6-month CD.  Upon its maturity, the money will be placed in the Water Operations budget for use in 2021.
  • Budget Committee was able to complete the 2021 budget quickly this year with fewer meetings being required.
  • Worked to build a strong relationship and clear communication with the team at HOA Community Services our Bookkeeping service.

Budget Committee:  Dawn thanked the Budget Committee.  She covered that the budget purpose is to pay the bills and then budget the improvements. Sheriff department will be our security and report were requested.  There is a request for the amount of “bad debt” to be added to our report.  State mandate requires that we allow payment plans for overdue assessments. 

Karen opened it up for Q&A. 

When will the rest of the community signs be installed?  Work groups will continue the project as volunteers and weather allow. 

What about a community bulletin board?  Discussion about having one by the pickleball court.

Motion was made by DT and seconded by EN to adjourn the meeting.  All approved.  MMSP

Meeting Adjourned at 13:42