June 10th, 2024 LOTW Board of Directors Meeting minutes

LAKE OF THE WOODS COMMUNITY CLUB. Board of Directors Meeting Minutes,
for Jume 10, 2024

Key Peninsula Civic Center Whitmore Room

Meeting was called to order at 6:03pm

Board Members present –Frank Benson, Garret Lebby, Anna Hernandez-French, Barbara Dommert-Breckler, and Katelynn Graham, Jason Steinbrecher, and Karen Gore

Board Members absent – Dave Tyler, Dana Burnett

Community Members – Ed Neilson, Tiphany Lopez-Steinbrecher, Penny Gibson, Tanya Michaels

Board approved May APs and minutes



  • No report

1st Vice President (Water System + 2nd Vice President, Maintenance) – sent by DT via email

  • Two test stations replaced as they were not working well
  • New ones will have been insulated so that they will not freeze in the cold weather
  • Added by EN – wells are checked every three days, pickleball court is being resurfaced soon


  • No report


  • No report

Committee Reports:


  • Nothing to vote on
  • Coming up on the 30 days since letters were sent – next steps?
  • Process remained unchanged – first letter sent, wait 30 days, then board votes on fines and any approved fines are communicated to the member
  • Fines need to be adjusted on a charging scale – currently $100/issue/month except for Air B&B fines which are $1,000/month
  • Board must have consistent documentation and be notified in a timely manner by compliance committee, otherwise Board has no record of a violation
  • Committee would like to discuss raising fees – KG to check bylaws as fees may be outlined there, which would mean any changes would need to go to the community for a vote
  • Compliance Committee to submit expenses for reimbursement


  • Summer Pickleball and Picnic
  • Setting a date will depend on knowing when the court resurfacing will be complete
  • Late August, early September?
  • Pickleball court is insured like everything else, and insurance was recently checked and confirmed

New Business:

Water Report

  • Report going out in June
  • Will be posted to FB and LOTW website
  • This report details annual water quality testing by Penlight


  • Now over 100% funded – very rare for HOAs and very good for community’s financial health

Annual Meeting

  • Budget Committee
  • Small new item for messaging boards at the parks where Board can put inserted flyers about events
  • Bylaws
  • Will vote to change mailing address to the new box at the tractor shed
  • A letter notifying community and all vendors of the change in address will go out at that time
  • Many bills go directly to HOACS so that simplifies matters

Old Business

  • None

Adjourn meeting at 6:37 pm

Minutes submitted by Secretary Anna Hernandez-French