April 8th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for April 8, 2024

Key Peninsula Civic Center Whitmore Room

Meeting was called to order at 6:03pm

Board Members present – Dave Tyler, Frank Benson, Garret Lebby, Anna Hernandez-French, and Karen Gore

Board Members absent –Katelynn Graham, Barbara Dommert-Breckler

Community Members – Ed Neilson

Too early in the month for March AP reports to be available for approval by the Board


1st Vice President (Water System + 2nd Vice President, Maintenance)

  • Generator wouldn’t start – 4 of Penlight’s generators went out
  • Lots of work over the summer – will get generator in, pour concrete, fencing, etc.
  • 2 water testing stations froze and broke, all need to be dug up and have the valves replaced
  • Maintenance – Mike is doing a great job on the grass
  • Summer work – clear brush by the lake, power-wash the pickleball court, playground equipment, etc.

Treasurer (absent)

  • None


  • Nothing to report

Committee Reports:


  • One resident needs help from agencies but that takes at least 90 days
  • President could be getting copies of compliance letters to bring to the Board


  • Community Clean-Up (April 20-21)
  • KG will be in charge, volunteers needed 9am-4pm on Saturday and Sunday
  • DT will take care of metal
  • Murrey’s won’t take tires, batteries, or mattresses
  • Easter Egg Hunt went really well, great weather, 75-100 attendees

New Business:

Federal Transparency Act

  • Would be cost-prohibitive to meet requirements
  • Alabama Federal court is challenging act

Old Business

  • None

Adjourn meeting at 6:23 pm

Minutes submitted by Secretary Anna Hernandez-French