02-16-2023 TO ALL MEMBERS of the Lake of the Woods Community Club

Change to Architectural guidelines – after we did a community Survey, the front of the yard fences can now be 6 feet high, any style. However, you still need to get approval from the Architectural Committee if you are putting in a new fence.

Thank you

Karen Gore – President

For The Lake of the Woods Community

  • 3.1.1 No building, structure, mobile unit, or unlicensed vehicle shall be moved onto or stored on any land embraced in said Tract, without permission of the Architectural Committee (AC), except for travel trailers and campers, not to exceed a period of six months.  All structures shall be complete as to external appearance, including finished painting within 24 months from the date of commencement of construction.
  • 3.1.2 That only one dwelling unit can be located on each lot as the lot appears in the plat.
  • 3.1.3 No building or structure shall be built closer than eight feet to any side property line and twenty-five (25) feet of road right-away.
  • 3.5.1 Construction Approval—No home, garage, fence, wall, solar collection device, sheds, or other structures shall be constructed, erected, located or altered upon any lot, nor shall any exterior addition be made, nor shall any road or driveway be made or altered, until the construction plans, and specifications and a plot plan showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials of the same shall have been submitted for approval to the AC as to compliance with all Pierce County codes. Mobile home, prefabricated home or a manufactured home classified as “double” wide or larger, must be approved in advance before placement on any lot at The Lake of the Woods Community Club.
  • 3.6  MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES—If any lot owner is not maintaining their property to the extent that the structure is determined to have any of the following problems:
  • Collapsing roofs or structures.
  • Leaning structures or fences.
  • Exterior components of the structures are deteriorating.  This will include, but not limited to broken windows, doors, gutters, shingles missing or broken siding.

A NON-COMPLIANCE letter will be issued by the AC and sent to OWNER. Lot owner has 30 days to respond to the AC.

  • 3.6.1 Legally condemned house or structures—Condemned houses must be corrected or removed within one hundred eighty days (180) days. Fines will be imposed for non-compliance and owner has 30 days to respond to the AC.