5-10-21 Meeting Minutes


Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2021

Call to Order: by Karen Gore at 6:00 pm

Karen Gore – PresidentAnna Hernandez- French – TreasurerDave Tyler- 1st Vice PresidentEd Nielsen- 2nd Vice PresidentGarrett Lebby
Barbara DommertBreckler- SecretaryChristine AndersonTanya MichaelsChristine AndersonJaimie Ehrler
Steve Shobe    
Jared Christensen    

Community Members Attended:  Dawn Richey, Amanda Bash, Eric/Amy Hobbs, Theresa Adams

Review of prior meeting minutes:  April 12, 2021

Changes requested:  Lot number correction from 01 to 01-067.  Under new business change fishing license to fish permit. 

It was moved by CA and seconded by DT to approve the April 12, 2021 meeting minutes with changes above.  Approved by all present.  MMSP

Checks/AP register:

It was moved by BDB and seconded by AHF to approve the checks and AP register April 2021.  TM abstained.  All others approved.  MMSP


President: No report

1st VP:  Emergency generator transfer switch needed repair.  After repair first test worked.  Second test needed.  He will start working on backflow valves as weather permits.

2nd VP:  Mike Youngchild donated sandwich boards and baby swing to LOTW.  Getting pea patch ready.  What happened to the ordered sandwich boards?  KG to follow up with sign company.

Secretary:  No report. 

Treasurer:  Anna and Karen to get new account set up for the CD transfer/deposit.  We still have two CDs at Columbia Bank so officers need to go in and sign signature card.

Compliance Committee:  Compliance committee had a meeting about two weeks ago.  TM waiting to get a report for Stephanie.  Next meeting scheduled for 5/12/21.

Special Events:  TM concerned that fishing derby is not posted on the website, especially since no newsletter was sent out.  Fishing derby announced via Facebook in April. 

Fishing Derby is 5/15/21.  It may be too late to get trophies in time.  Ed has fishing derby items in the shed.  Prizes and BBQ items still need to be purchased.  Rules need to be posted to the website and printed.  Ed has printed rules.  The total budget is about $500.  Only one prize per person. 

Old Business: 

Drop Box.  KG to set up.

It was moved by BDB and seconded by CA that purchase a Drop Box account for LOTW for the annual rate of $150.  Approved by all present.  MMSP

Volunteers need for playground equipment and sign installation.  EN/DT to work with GL to get dates/times for volunteers on website and Facebook. 

New Business: 

TM concerned about things/activities not being posted to the website.

EN and DT are retiring from their water/building/repair work in about 7 months.  DT/EN working hard to have the water and parks in the best repair possible before they retire.  Who will take their place?  Do we have contractors lined up if we need to hire them for repairs?  KG will have a conversation with them offline.

Currently Board members pay for items out of pocket and it can take 15-30 days for reimbursement.  Should we have one or two more credit cards from Alliance Bank for expenses?  Water/Maintenance should have a credit card. 

Amanda Bash asked about water meters.  DT confirmed that they have all been replaced.  She also asked about the new signs being put up.  DT/EN need volunteers to help.  See note above about volunteers.

It was moved by EN and seconded by AHF that the board meeting move to being live event again.  Approved by all present.  MMSP

The next meeting will be June 14th 6pm at Pete Rix park. 

Meeting Adjourned by Karen at 7:17 pm