Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2021
Call to Order: by Karen Gore at 6:05 pm
Present | ||||
Karen Gore – President | Anna Hernandez- French – Treasurer | Dave Tyler- 1st Vice President | Ed Nielsen- 2nd Vice President | Garrett Lebby |
Barbara Dommert-Breckler- Secretary | Tanya Michaels | Tinker Jolliff | Regina Braley | Jaimie Ehrler |
Steve Shobe | Christine Anderson | |||
Absent | ||||
Jared Christensen |
Community Members Attended: Dawn Richey, Richard Day, Amanda Bash, Adelbert Avery and Cherie/Marty
Review of prior meeting minutes: January 11, 2021
President: No report
1st VP: Wells are running fine. Relocated pump #2 and it is back online. Ed primed and painted the inside of the well building. Spending $738 to purchase 10 backflow repair kits. This will allow for replacement of the backflow parts, and then the removed parts can be cleaned up and are ready for reuse. Four to five backflows need to be dug up, one due to a tree blocking access and the others have trees that are too close to allow for testing.
2nd VP: The lake is full. Ed taped off an area in the Pete Rix Park due to a large broken branch hung up in one of the pine trees. This could fall and hurt someone. The branch is fairly high in the tree and will take a while for the wind to bring it down. Steve is lying decking on the flatbed trailer. There is a tree leaning over SR 302; DOT is coming to see if it belongs to the HOA or the county.
Secretary: Apologies for the two different Zoom invites. She will work on the issue.
Treasurer: Anna is meeting with Dawn to look for efficiencies. The checks for the security and Tony Trotter have not yet arrived.
Compliance Committee: Several letters are out to owners with a response date of February 18th. Lot 23 has moved and licensed the 5th wheel. Lot 120’s white van will be removed. Tanya spoke to Rich and he wants to resign from lead of the compliance committee. He will wait until April 1st.
Special Events: Easter is April 4th. The Easter Egg hunt will be on April 3rd. COVID precautions will be required to meet the appropriate phase at the time of the hunt (masking, social distancing). Anna would like to come up with some kind of virtual option that would be for the families that do not want to risk a group event.
Old Business: none
New Business:
We have on CD at US Bank that is going to mature this year. US Bank does not want to release details except to original account signers. One CD at Columbia bank will mature in September of this year. Discussion included what to do with these CD once they mature. It was decided that to simplify accounting, these CD would be moved to a HOA Solutions Affiliate Associate Bank when they each mature. Anna will work on getting the details of the maturing CDs. Tanya has a paper file of CDs which she will get to Karen.
Discussion was held regarding new Executive Board Officers becoming signers on bank accounts. If the Executive Board Members are all signers then it should be easier to ensure two of them are available when checks need to be signed.
It was moved by TM and seconded by DT that all Executive Board Officers are to be signers on the LOTW bank accounts starting in 2021. Approved by all present. MMSP
We need to sign the 2020 agreement to have Joseph Vandal, CPA handle the taxes and audit. No one had any issues with the work done in 2019 by Joseph Vandal, CPA.
It was moved by AHF and seconded by GL to engage Joseph Vandal as our CPA for 2020 taxes and auditing at a cost of $2025. Approved by all present. MMSP
Community Drop Box- it was discussed that for continuity of official documents and ease/transparency that we move from a paper system to a Cloud system. Karen will investigate options and cost and bring the information on Cloud choices to the next meeting.
Tanya still has several boxes of old documents to go through for consolidation and disposal. Ed states that there are at least 15 boxes of documents still in the shed that need to be gone through. Old documents need to be shredded to ensure no one’s personal information is inadvertently exposed.
It was moved by CA and seconded by TJ to approve $100 to Tanya for shredding services. All present approved. MMSP
Karen reminded all board members that we are to serve on a committee. Please email Karen a list of the committee(s) that you willing to serve on or are currently serving on.
Karen asked the Compliance Committee to have a meeting to determine their leadership once Rich steps down.
Delivery of compliance letters- Many owners claim that they never received the compliance letters. It was discussed how many letters should be sent with some kind of tracking and the decision was at least 2 of the letters sent to each lot should be sent with some form of tracking. There was discussion about signature required vs. certified mail (tracking that it was delivered but no signature required). The Compliance Committee is to meet and discuss the options and bring their recommendations to the next meeting.
Community Events- Discussion had regarding having more/different community events due to the number of new residents. Send any additional recommendations to Karen.
Recommendations: Pet parade, trade/exchange this summer (household and garden items), car show/parade
Garret wants us to recognize Ed and Dave for their extensive work on the water system and protecting our water supply. Amanda would like to volunteer to learn the water system and help with maintenance/repairs.
Website needs a volunteer section to allow more community involvement with projects. Ed/Dave to give some dates for volunteers to help with community projects. Ed mentioned there are several trees that need to come down.
It was moved by DT and seconded by EN to adjourn the meeting at 7:31pm. All present approved. MMSP
Meeting Adjourned by Karen at 7:31 pm