This is a required study by Washington State to protect your Community.
2025 LOTW HOA DUES – The NEW YEAR is almost here!
Please be aware that on January 1st, of 2025, the new LOTW HOA assessments will go into effect. At the annual meeting held last week, we all voted to accept the new pricing.
The new annual amount for all services and utilities covered, is going to be $624.00. Please note that this amount was increased by only $18.13, for the whole year. Each lot owner can pay their share to us by going to the ;, web page. Use the live link at the left or search for it in your internet browser. This is our management service, that we have elected to pay a monthly payment or pay it as a one time payment. If you choose to use your “bank card”, there will be an additional service fee.
The monthly amount is ($624/12 = $52) $52.00. Please refer to the tab labeled, “ONLINE dues paying notice”, right this web site for instructions on making your dues payment.
Thank you.
Karen Gore
Lake of the Woods Community Club
Annual Meeting Minutes for 2023
Board of Directors Annual Meeting Minutes
November 4, 2023
Key Peninsula Civic Center Whitmore Room
Meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm
Board Members present – Garret Lebby, Anna Hernandez-French, and Karen Gore, Dommert-Breckler, Dave Tyler
Community Members – Theresa Adams, Jeff Adams, Katelynn Graham, Tia Smith, Mary Tyler, Robert McElligott, Amanda, and one illegible
Minutes from 2022 annual meeting approved
- No report
1st Vice President (Water System + 2nd Vice President, Maintenance)
- Ongoing work.
- New transfer switch for pump house coming next week.
- Dig for generator, prepare lines, dig post holes.
- Dig more water boxes to get backflows tested.
- Next year rebuild/re-roof well #4 – already have sufficient tin to do it.
- Water system running well, Pen Light comes up once a month.
- Person who has taken on testing of water is fast and cheap.
- Valves purchased in advance, 2”@$800, 6”@$1,500 – doubled in price.
- Board transitioning streetlights to more efficient LED – LOTWCC pays electric bill for community streetlights.
- No more free labor from EN and DT.
- If the community members don’t volunteer, LOTW will have to hire help, and this will increase dues, potentially by a lot.
- Volunteers need to better communicate availability because they are never actually available when needed.
- DT will do small water tasks but nothing big.
- DT will stay on board by EN resigns.
- General Updates
- Board continues to explore digital record-keeping
- General Updates
- Lots of work done with changing COVID rules affecting what the Board can do about late dues.
- Water shutoffs will begin again.
- Board will accept any payment plan to help members get current with outstanding dues.
- Board has set up a lien process.
Committee Reports:
- Context
- Prices are going up – inflation
- Committee took line items that stayed within budget in 2023 and applied a 10% increase.
- Committee took real spend on line items that went over budget and applied a 10% increase to the real-spend amount.
- Line items were consolidated in budget to simplify it and make it clearer and easier to read.
Community Vote Results
- All community members in good standing get one vote per property.
- Of 324 properties, 42 returned eligible ballots.
- Budget
- Yes: 41
- No: 1
- Re-elect DBB to Board
- Yes:40
- Elect Danna to the Board
- Yes: 40
- Write-ins
- Katelynn Graham and Frank Benson join Board
- Alex Graham and Philip Harris for Architecture Committee
- 2 very messy properties, found things like hidden trucks, trailer not owned by property owners
- According to bylaws, properties can have family’s vehicles on their property as long as it doesn’t total more than allowed per property by the bylaws, as long as vehicles can move
- Question about lots 74/75, as one has no house but does have a trailer, unsure how this pans out compliance-wise – KG to look into it
Adjourn meeting at 12:51 pm
Minutes submitted by Secretary Anna Hernandez-French