July 30th, 2023 – Special Board Meeting


Meeting Minutes – Special Session for July 30, 2023

Call to Order: by Karen Gore at 6:05 pm

Board Attendees: Dave, Ed, Barbara, Ashley and Karen

Absent Board Members:  Garrett and Anna 

We voted to Ashley Golding back onto the Board.

We have engaged a new service provider to handle the checking, cleaning and changing of all backflows (attached to each property’s water main).  Tony Trotter has retired from doing this for us.

Motion was made to accept the BATT Lady contract though December 2024.  MMSP

Meeting adjourned at 6:17pm

Minutes recorded by LOTW Treasurer Barbara Dommert-Breckler.

July 10th, 2023 – Board Meeting Minutes


Call to Order: by Karen Gore at 6:07 pm

Community Members Attended:  Amanda Bash, Tanya Michaels, Phillip Henry and Donna Burnett

Additions to agenda:  None

Minutes:  No minutes for June 12, 2023 due to only three board members in attendance.

Financials:  Board members reviewed AP expense register for May 2023 and June 2023.


President:  No report.

1st VP:  – Peninsula Light is now our water management company.  Dave has sized the generator for pump #2 for purchasing.  Water system is running well.  Water testing is ok.  Concrete for generator pad needed.  The new generator should be able to us a transfer switch that we have.  Replacement of the water shed roof has started.  At pump house #2 the fence was moved for the new generator.  Testing station has been locked down.  The state water person came today for testing.  Reviewed ESHB 1329 regarding the addition of not being able to shut off water during an extreme heat emergency and the requirements for turning those already shut of with water.

2nd VP:   – The pea patch fence was moved out.  Ten yards of crushed gravel added to Pete Rix Park.  Neighborhood corners have been trimmed for visibility and the brush taken to the dump.  Concrete and asphalt taken out to a company that will reuse it.  Water in the lake is down.  We have not emptied any water (CW edit – we can drain off excess water through a outflow valve on the lake.).  The creek is dry. No water running to refill the lake.  The water level is not low enough to install the new blocks.  At some point the water quality of the lake should be tested. 

Secretary:  No current secretary.

Treasurer:  – Budget committee first meeting 7/19/23 6pm at DNR park.  Requested that the VPs look for quotes for labor prior to that meeting for next year’s budget.  Asked for any new request for next year’s budget to be submitted.  Discussed the idea of two levels of community dues with and without “sweat equity”.  Karen is going to see if this is ok with our lawyer.  Barb will show Dave where he can see what letters were sent for water shut offs.  This information is in the HOA Community Solutions reports.

Compliance Committee:  – Architectural Committee approved a request that did not follow our regulations.   This issue was then addressed by the Compliance Committee.  The Board discussed the need for another member of the Compliance Committee to act as a liaison to the Architectural Committee. 

Event Committee:    Halloween is the next event. 

Old Business: 

New park equipment:Motion made by Anna Hernandez-French and seconded by Ed Nielsen to order the Air Above Play System for DNR Park and the Hercules II Climber from AAA State of Play for Pete Rix Park.  All approved. MMSP

New Business: – Anna Hernandez-French offered to cover the secretary position through the end of 2023. Motion made by Barbara DommertBreckler and seconded by Ed Nielsen to approve Anna Hernandez-French as secretary through 2023.  All approved. MMSP

The Asset List, – The Asset List, made up by Dave, is being used to update the insurance policy and ensure everything is covered.  HOA Community Solutions auditor does not use the Asset List but instead uses general depreciation.

Re-Payment plan – We have been sent a Payment Plan for past due amounts.  The Board reviewed the Plan for 13911 132nd St Gig Harbor WA 98329. Motion was made by Barbara DommertBreckler and seconded by Anna Hernandez-French to accept the payment plan of two $40 payments per month for 13911 132nd St Gig Harbor WA 98329.

Returned Mail – We receive a fair amount of returned mail.  Discussion about using the name “Lake of the Woods Property Owner” instead of the actual property owner’s name to assist with mail not being returned in the time between property purchase and HOA Community Solutions getting the new owner’s name. Motion was made by Garret Lebby and seconded by Anna Hernandez-French to use address name of “Lake of the Woods Property Owner” replacing the property owner’s name for community mailings.  All approved MMSP.

LOT #60 – It was noted that the second meter from lot 60 has not been removed and that the agreement has not been returned signed by the owner.

Motion was made by Dave Tyler to adjourn the meeting.  Seconded by Ed Nielson.  All approved.  MMSP

Meeting adjourned 7:15pm

Minutes recorded by LOTW Treasurer Barbara Dommert-Breckler.