Annual Community Meeting NOTICE

Put the following on your calendar for


The Annual Meeting for all Lake of the Woods Community members (If everybody comes, that’s more than 600 people!!!!!) will be on :

Saturday, November 4th, 2023, starting at 2:00 pm. The location is at 17010 South Vaughn Rd NW Vaughn, WA 98394

Your welcome to come a little early for the informal meet and greet. The meeting will be held in the Whitmore Room at the Key Civic Center. This is the same location all the Board meetings are held. 

August 28, 2023 Board Meeting


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for August 28, 2023

Key Peninsula Civic Center Whitmore Room

Meeting was called to order at 6:18pm

Board Members present – Garett Lebby, Barbara Dommert-Breckler, Dave Tyler, Ed Nielsen and Karen Gore

Board Members absent – Anna Hernandez-French, Ashley Golding

Community Members – Danelle McElroy, Steve McElroy, Philip Henry, and Danna Burnett

Board voted Danna Burnet onto the Board

Meeting Minutes from July 10th and July 30th (special meeting) were approved by the Board

July AP reports were not available for review so it was decided that the Board will review at the September meeting, along with August AP reports.


1st Vice President (Water System)- The wells are in good operations order.  Peninsula Light will be giving us a quote for placing automatic on/off switches on pumps #2 and #4. The roof on the shed that protects the water supply is being replaced.  The new generator has been ordered for pump #2, along with a refurbished propane tank (288 gallons) for about $2425.16.  Getting quotes for installing the generator and propane tank.

2nd Vice President (Maintenance) – The environmental blocks have been put into place on the lake bank in McGowan Park.  We are three blocks short and will get these ordered as soon as possible.  Dirt will be placed behind the blocks to rebuild the fishing and picnic area that had eroded away.  We are able to do some lake clean up since the water level is so low this year.  Will be moving some fencing up to higher ground around pump house #2 to keep people out.  Dave and I continue to clean backflows for each property.  Cleaned up the parks and trimmed several trees.

Treasurer –   The Budget committee has been meeting over the last several weeks to finalized the 2024 budget.  There are only a few items that still need to have dollar amounts affixed and these should be completed by our next budget meeting.

Committee Reports:

Compliance – Tanya Michaels has stepped down as its Chairperson.  Debbie Hirschinger, a member of the committee, has agreed to step into the Chairperson role.  Tanya will be meeting with Debbie to hand off the required information.

New Business:

  • Motion was made to use money from the Water Reserve account to pay for moving the environmental block at McGowan Park. MMSP
  • Motion was made to approve the 2024 HOA Community Solutions Service Agreement including the CPI increase.  MMSP
  • Danna has suggested that we provide Community Resources information to those not paying their annual HOA assessments.  This information has been posted on the LOTWCC website and unofficial Facebook page.  This can be added to the Compliance letter and Water shut off notices.  
  • Discussed who to call regarding animals wondering the neighborhood.  It was suggested that we put this information on our website.

Adjourn meeting at 6:49pm

Minutes submitted by pro tem Secretary Karen Gore