2024 Assessment Letter and Dues Payment Options

November 16, 2023

Hello Lake of the Woods Community Club Members (HOA)!

At the Annual Membership Meeting on November 4, 2023, the membership ratified (approved) the Annual Budget for 2024.

Per the Membership vote for the Budget for 2024 our Homeowners’ general and special assessments will be a total of $605.87) a year per lot.  The yearly assessments consist of Community Operations expenses $ 278.98 (includes $50 for security), $286.89 for our Water Systems expenses and $40.00 ($16 Community Reserve and $24 for Water Reserve) per year per lot for the next year to reach our Reserve Fund Goal of full funding in five years.  This year’s assessment is only $11.07 per month more than 2023.  The cost of materials purchased, insurances and the need to hire more contractors has impacted the budget.  Keeping our assessment lower than other communities in the area has been due to the hundreds of volunteer hours of our Board Members and community volunteers who take on work projects instead of the HOA having to hire people.  More help is needed!

The 2024 homeowner assessments go into effect January 1, 2024.  The assessment payment options are annually ($605.87) or paid monthly at $50.49 per month.  Included in this packet are instructions on how to pay your assessments either annually or monthly. (See back page of this letter).  Not sure if your 2023 assessment are currently paid up, contact HOACS for more information.

We are beginning year four of five from our current Reserve Study.  Our reserve Funds are in addition to our operating and maintenance budget.  Because the major maintenance, repair and replacements costs for our water system are significant, but infrequent, it is not practical to include them in our annual budget.  A copy of our Reserve Study is on the community website at www.Lakeofthewoodskpn.com.

Thank you.

Lake of the Woods Community Club www.Lakeofthewoodskpn.com
13014 142nd Ave NW
Gig Harbor, WA 98329

“A Refreshing Place to Live”

Board of Directors for 2024

Karen Gore – President   [email protected] 425-761-3632
Dave Tyler – 1st Vice President – Water            [email protected] 253-884-9951
Vacant – 2nd Vice President – Maintenance      [email protected]
Anna Hernandez-French – Secretary [email protected]  707-599-9591
Barbara Dommert-Breckler – Treasurer LOTW[email protected]  253-468-1901
Garrett Lebby – 520-370-2496
Danna Burnett 253-255-7341            
Katelynn Graham – 360-265-8960
Frank Benson – 928-897-0761                                             

Lake of the Woods Community Club Payment Options/Instructions

Looking to shorten your to-do list? Set up automatic payments and never worry about remembering to pay your bill again. There is no risk of payments being lost in the mail and potentially being charged a late fee. Enrolling is fast, easy, and free. HOA Community Solutions is excited to offer several options for payment of your assessments. Please see options below to find one that best suits your needs:

Pay Online with Recurring Payments – Create an account, set-up recurring payments and never worry about making your payments on time again! Go to the HOA Community Solutions website at www.hoacommunitysolutions.com. Once there select Pay Online, Setup Account, and create your recurring payment. You will need your bank’s routing number and your account number for the recurring payment, as well as information from the coupon at the bottom of a statement or your payment coupon book.

• Management company ID – 6835

• Association IDLWCC

• Your Account # – see coupon book or statement for your 5-digit account number

  • Note – If your assessment amount changes, your online payment amount will automatically be updated, and a notification will be sent to you via email from Alliance Association Bank.

Pay Online with One-Time Payment – You can pay with an E-Check, debit, or credit card through the HOA Community Solutions website at www.hoacommunitysolutions.com. Once there select Pay Online and make a one-time payment. You will need your bank’s routing number and your account number for the E-Check option, as well as information from your payment coupon at the bottom of a statement or your payment coupon book (please see instructions above.)

Mail in Payment – You can submit your payment by mailing in a personal check, money order, or pay through your bank’s online bill pay services. Please mail payments to the address below and remember to include your payment coupon (if applicable) when sending personal checks:

Lake of the Woods Community Club
c/o HOA Community Solutions Processing Center
P.O. Box 97974
Las Vegas, NV 89193-7974

Please include your Association’s ID and your account number in the memo line on your check.

Want to say goodbye to extra clutter?

If you have set up recurring payments online and would like to “opt out” of receiving coupon books and/or statement mailings, please send an email to [email protected] with your name, association name, & account number to opt out of future billing mailings.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact HOA Community Solutions at: Phone: (253) 985-3812 or Email: [email protected]

2022 Annual Community Meeting Minutes


2022 Annual Community Meeting Minutes

November 6, 2022

Minutes taken by Anna Hernandez-French

Call to Order: by Karen Gore at 13:50pm.

Karen Gore – PresidentEd Nielsen – 2nd Vice PresidentAnna Hernandez-French – TreasurerGarrett Lebby
Bill SidwellTanya MichaelsAshley GoldingCate Brown
Dave Tyler – 1st Vice PresidentBarbara Dommert Breckler – Secretary  

Community Members Attended: Ryan Orseth, Jeremy Scott, Jessica Martindale, Pedro Martos, Mary Tyler, Steve Shobe, Theresa Adams, Jeff Adams, Dawn Richey, and Amanda Bash

Board Member Introductions

Review of 2021 annual meeting minutes: Meeting minutes from November 2021

KG noted that there is a correction to the minutes, changing “signature we could interpret” to “could not interpret” where community member attendance is noted.

AH moved to approve 2021 annual meeting minutes with the above correction. AG seconded. Approved by all present. MMSP

Board Reports and Accomplishments

DT and EN shared out the maintenance report via the LOTW website and the unofficial FB page. Physical copies were presented at the meeting.

AH shared treasurer accomplishments, which included: securing a 27-month CD for a 3.5% return in October, 2022; getting a contract signed with HOACS, the accounting firm, in a manner that will make future renewals much easier; and putting together the proposed 2023 community budget.

Other committees include Architecture and Compliance.

Presentation of the proposed 2023 budget as approved by the Board

Presented by DR

2022 Budget Committee consisted of: DT, AH, DT, EN, CB, and AB (community member). Met in July and August, presented proposed budget to the Board at the September meeting.

Overview of community annual assessments:

  • 2020 – $535.72
  • 2021 – $505.97
  • 2022 – $450.00
  • 2023 – $473.04

Improvements to neighborhood security provided by the sheriff’s dept allowed LOTW to reduce the number of hours needed, reducing costs.

Our community-owned water system is a huge asset and saves the community a lot of money.

Recent improvements include benches, tables, and BBQ grills in the parks, volleyball, horseshoes, playground equipment, and concrete blocks purchased and ready for lake embankment reinforcement once water levels are low enough.

For 2023 the proposed budget includes monkey bars in Pete Rix Park and a climbing toy for the DNR park. This piece will complete the DNR park. Budget also includes a new roof for the DNR pump shed and work on community generators.

LOTW is required to have a reserve study to forecast expected costs associated with the community, and then to have a plan to fund it. LOTW chose a 5-year to fully fund plan, and current funding is nearly at 100%.

TM question – is it better for LOTW if community members pay assessments in a lump sum on Jan. 1?

DR – from an accounting standpoint, yes, as these funds are used to pay community bills

TM question – are we still seeing an impact from COVID?

KG – LOTW is currently owed around $88K, which includes liens and compliance fees alongside outstanding assessments.

DT – assessments are the only real community income.

TM question – what about insurance for new playground equipment?

KG – that is covered by LOTW’s policy upon installation.

General Discussion

RO question – how can LOTW move toward online voting and more use of email?

KG – that is a priority topic if elected president again. Tech, community outreach improvements, then align to bylaws, and then send updated copies to the state and to HOACS.

TA question – there was an email option for voting this time?

KG – that was an error and it was quickly corrected. One individual had submitted their ballot via email and follow-up was conducted.

Chuck Wood voluntarily maintains the community website, [email protected]

TM – older residents may not use email or other online communication tools.

EN – also there are security concerns with online voting.

RO – many community members don’t know about the things the neighborhood has to offer, like the Pea Patch.

TM – what happened to the LOTW newsletter?

KG – it’s posted on the LOTW website. Paper and postage are expensive, so LOTW is looking into ways to reduce printing and mailing.

Ballot Tallies

50 ballots received across the 343 lots.

Approve 2023 budget: 48 yes, 2 no

No additions to the Architecture Committee – two spots still open

Cynthia McClure and Jessica Martindale put forward as new board members, and existing members all voted in to continue on. EN notes Tia is also thinking of joining.

New members can either come to the November board meeting to be voted on, or will be officially on the board as of Jan 1.

Community Survey

Leave at 4 ft: 11 yes

Allow for six ft: 39 yes – of those, 3 yes for 4 ft solid and 2 additional ft see-through fencing. 9 yes for six ft chain link. 27 yes for all 6 ft fence options.

TA – can Ed check with the Sheriffs to get clear on implications if no longer able to see into yards.

PM – as a state patrol officer, no matter what they won’t enter w/o a warrant.

RO – as Pierce County firefighter, only an eye-witness will get police action, and drugs not really a priority for prosecution.

KG – this discussion will be continued at future Board meetings.

Motion was made by EN and seconded by AH to adjourn the meeting. All approved. MMSP.

Meeting Adjourned at: 14:52