March 11th, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for March 11, 2024

Key Peninsula Civic Center Whitmore Room

Meeting was called to order at 6:04pm

Board Members present – Frank Benson, Garret Lebby, Barbara Dommert-Breckler, Katelynn Graham and Karen Gore

Board Members absent – Anna Hernandez-French and Dave Tyler

Community Members –

AP report was reviewed and approved by Board

Meeting minutes from February 12, 2024 were reviewed and voted on.  MMSP


President – No report

1st Vice President (Water System + 2nd Vice President, Maintenance-vacant)

No report


One of the ten payment plans missed a payment.  Barbara would like to send a letter to them before they have their water shut off.  Suggest a 30-day window of time to contact us with a new payment plan; 30 days past the date of the letter. MMSP   Lot 02-092 needs us to hold off on any further action until we hear back with a 90 day reply.  MMSP

Secretary – No report

Committee Reports:

Compliance – No report


  • Fishing Derby – Permit for fish drop will cost $94.  Check will be requested. Invoice for purchase and delivery of fish should be about the same price as last year
  • Community Clean-Up (April 20-21) – containers have been ordered

New Business:

  • None

Old Business

  • None

Adjourn meeting at 6:45 pm

Minutes submitted by Secretary Pro Temp Karen Gore